Tuesday 6 January – Unit 5 Task 1

The outcome of today’s lesson is that you will have refined your research project aim and objectives. During the first hour you will give and receive kind, specific and helpful feedback as to how your aim and objectives can be improved. You will use the Unit 5 Refining Project Aims and Objectives resource to complete this work.


Your aim and objectives are critical to the success of this unit. Unit 5 should be seen as the culmination of your programme of study. It allows you to investigate an area of your own choosing from within the sport and exercise sciences. In order to successfully complete this unit, you will need to draw on knowledge, understanding and skills gained through this and other units, and transfer these to a practically-based research situation. Your research topic must be selected by each class member individually and the project must involve the application of specific knowledge and understanding from the sport or exercise sciences.

The second hour will focus on developing each of your objectives to make sure they are SMART. Independent work is to start planning your project’s ethical, legal, and validity and reliability considerations. To complete the independent work you will use the Unit 5 Research Project Planning Template.


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