One thought on “UNIT 27 – TASK 2 – Cameron McIvor”

  1. Well done Cameron this is a good piece of work that meets all of the available Pass and Merit criteria.

    You have achieved P3 as you have successfully used performance profiling to assess the current sports performance of an individual. You have also taken into account the performer’s own profile of performance which is an example of really good performance profiling that builds on your work in Unit 11.

    P4 and M1 are achieved as you have described and explained four performance strengths and four development areas for your chosen athlete. To achieve D1 you need to enhance your critical analysis of all of your identified strengths and weaknesses. To enhance these you need to ensure you give further specific sporting examples and apply your advantage / disadvantage judgements to more specific examples within martial arts. You need to link these examples back to theory and further develop the work we covered in Unit 11. Your examples would benefit from personal advantages / disadvantages for your athlete (e.g. injury prevention, representative honours, attack, defence and grading advancement).

    P5 is achieved as you have assessed the appropriateness of coaching techniques used during the profiling process. Your coaching log includes good reflections on your different meetings and profiling processes.

    The D1 referral needs to complete by Friday 20 March. This cannot be completed in the reply column as this is a Slideshare resource. Therefore please update your section 2 presentation, change the title on page 1 to Unit 27 Referral 1/2 and add the embed code for your updated presentation below the two existing presentations.

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